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Before your appointment 

Each service offered falls under a specific category. Please find your desired service and be sure to read thoroughly for the best, optimal results.

Women in Underwear

Body Contouring

For Best Results:

  • DRINK 2-3 bottles of water before session

  • DO NOT EAT for 2 hours before & after service 

  • Bring compression garment (You may purchase in spa)

Drug and Syringe

Lipo Shots & Injections

For Best Results:

  • Drink 3-4 bottles of water before & after session

  • DO NOT EAT for 3-4 hours before session and 2hours after session

  • DO NOT SHOWER for at least 4 hours after session

  • Bring compression garment (You may purchase in spa)



Sugar Wax

Waxing & Facials


  • DO NOT SHAVE or NAIR 7 DAYS before wax

  • EXFOLIATE 2 days before wax

  • Do not apply any products or chemicals the day of wax



  • Do not apply any products or chemicals the day of facial















Services and memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable KBBL SPA must be notified about any changes in address, contact information and/or credit card information. Guests must follow spa rules and regulations. KBBL SPA reserves the right to refuse or discontinue services for any reason. KBBL SPA reserves the right to modify/change spa rules, regulations, services and pricing with reasonable notice. Twenty four hour advance notice is required on any appointment cancellation. Failure to do so will result in a fee equivalent to 50% of the cost of the scheduled service. KBBL SPA is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Age requirements for receiving spa services vary by state and local law and Hand & Stone strictly complies with such laws. In the event there is not a specific regulation in your area, our policy is as follows: No person will be denied admission based upon race, religion or appearance. CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 12 SHALL BE STRICTLY PROHIBITED FROM ENTERING THE SPA. No children under the age of 18 will be able to receive any service without the express written consent of their parent or guardian. For children 15 and under (or where required by state law), a parent or guardian MUST remain in the treatment room and for all minor children the parent must remain on premises during services. Must be over the age of 15 to receive a Brazilian wax. Rollover Privileges - Members may not rollover any unused services to the following month. Via signed consent form, services & packages expire and are non-refundable after 90 days. Discretionary via spa manager. 




KBBL SPA takes care to protect the personal information that we collect and retain by maintaining reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the information. When our registration/order form asks users to enter sensitive information (such as credit card number), that information is encrypted and is protected with encryption software, currently SSL encryption. While we use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information online, we also protect user-information off-line. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, our billing clerk or a customer service representative) are granted access to personally identifiable information. 

Although we endeavor to create secure and reliable systems and websites and to safeguard against unauthorized disclosures of information, we cannot assure you that personally identifiable information that we collect will never be disclosed in a manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.  You hereby acknowledge that KBBL SPA is not responsible for any intercepted information sent via the Internet, and you hereby release us from any and all claims arising out of or related to the use of intercepted information in any unauthorized manner.




How many treatments will I need? 
To see maximum results a course of 8 treatments is recommended, per body area. These treatments should be done twice per week at regular intervals.


Which areas of the body can be treated? 
The procedure can be performed on calves, knees, thighs, buttocks, stomach, arms. Typical treatment times are 30-90 minutes.


What inch loss could I achieve from this treatment? 
This will vary from person to person depending on your size, but the results from the treatment will be greatly improved by your commitment to the treatment. A healthy diet needs to be adhered to and an exercise program is important to follow to enable the released fat to be used up as energy. This should be done the same day as your body treatment.


Does it hurt? 
The process is extremely relaxing. The most you’ll feel is a slightly warm sensation in the treatment area. In fact, you could bring a book or your phone and completely chill out.


Is it suitable for men and women? 
The treatment works equally well for both.


Can everyone have the treatment? 
There are a few medical conditions that would stop us from performing the treatment. Your aesthetic technician will go through a full health and medical questionnaire with you before your first treatment to ensure you are suitable. This will also include a detailed description of the treatment and time for any questions you may have.


How long will the results last? 
Treatments will last as long as they are maintained either with more sessions or through exercise and diet


How safe is NonSurgical Lipo? 
It is completely safe


Which areas of the body can be treated?

Virtually anywhere there is excess fat such as:

  • Arms

  • Bottoms

  • Thighs

  • Legs

  • Stomach

  • Love Handles

  • Hips

  • Back


Where does the fat go? 
NonSurgical Lipo treatments result in the liquefaction of fats. The liquefied fat is then drained away by the lymphatic system which is responsible for removing wastes from the body. From here, they’re delivered to the skeletal muscles where – through exercise – they’re burned to CO2 and ultimately eliminated from the body as we breathe out.


What happens to the Glycerol that is released with the fat?
Glycerol is sent to the liver for gluconeogenesis, a fancy word for ‘sugar making’.


What happens after each treatment? 
One can resume normal activities immediately as NonSurgical Lipo is completely non-invasive with no down-time whatsoever. However, some form of exercise is necessary to burn of the drained fat (fuel) as energy.


What results can one expect from the NonSurgical Lipo treatment? 
Measurable loss should always be noticed after the first treatment alone because NSL works very quickly. Both male and female clients have found that those hard to reduce trouble spots can be treated quite significantly within just a few treatments. Although results can vary depending on the size of the individual, the area to be treated etc.


How many treatments are needed? 
This all depends on certain factors such as the area to be treated, your size, what you want to achieve. 8-12 sessions usually recommended.

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